Just The Way You Are.
Not sure what to say about today, other than, it was kind of wonderful. No clue where to start, so I'll start from the beginning...
Today was the very last day of my first semester in college. As exciting as that is for a lot of people, I don't consider this semester over and done with until these finals are done. I had the first half of my Government & Politics and final today. Turns out studying didn't do me much good because the material I studied wasn't really on the test. So I'm feeling super about that. Thankfully next Tuesday I have a chance to redeem myself with the second portion of the final. But yeah, semester one of college is over. Seven more to go and I am outta here! I also took a nap. I know what you're thinking, I'm glad I read this blog today...but seriously. I've needed a nap for about two weeks now, so it was a monumental part of my day. Today I got to feel some emotions I haven't felt in a couple of days. Happiness, this joyousness overflowed me. Maintaining communication, best decision we could have made. I really don't know what else to write at this point. You make me draw hearts on Post-It notes.
Goodnight blogesphere!
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